[Infos 1.0] 3ème mise à jour (b317) de la version expérimentale.

Salutations survivants !
Suite à la parution de la mise à jour (b316) concernant la version 1.0 expérimentale de 7DaysToDie a eut lieu ce vendredi 12 juillet 2024, une petite mise à jour corrective est parue cette nuit, il s’agit de la mise à jour (b317).
Elle est accompagnée d’un message :
« Cette mise à jour n’est pas celle qui supprimera les carte PREGEN«
Faisant références aux retraits de ces cartes mentionnées dans leur précédente mise à jour et où il indiquaient les modifications à effectuer pour conserver sa partie malgré cette suppression : Voir l’article
Vous pouvez également consulter ces informations directement sur Steam : Cliquez ICI
Voici le changelog de la mise à jour (b317 hotfix) :
Ajouts : -RWG traders can be closer to each other on 2k, 3k and 4k worlds -AI waits to play alert sounds if far from players -Store_book_04 POI Modifications : -Enabled graphics jobs on Windows -Improved screamer spawning rules to account for a wider range of player activity (ActivityLevelToSpawn 100>25, SpawnChance .7>.2, CooldownDelay 15>4, CooldownLongDelay 22, CooldownNeighborDelay 4>3) -RWG trader minimum distance to others only applies to same trader type -Updated voice device audio options localization to make it clear that it is only for voice. -Improved when AI alert sounds can play again on same target -Improved AI random and alert sound delays -Updated material for POI switches to reduce the damage done by cop explosions Corrections : -ADS with Reflex Sight on New AK47 Skin Issues -Pregen04KA and Pregen04kD are missing traders. -Windows 7 : players that cannot load ControllerExt.dll no longer crashes during bootup of game -All shotguns have an ADS reload animation glitch -The Steam achievement « Dig Deep » can be completed by teleporting -AI played alert sounds randomly after first alert -Zfighting on the curtain rods -StoveElectricModern_01 and stoveElectricRetro_01 seethru glass -Host is the only one that hears Trader Greetings. -Store_book_01, did a pass on reducing how many books were in the store section of the POI, removed about 40% -Trader_bob, moved Bob back one meter, so when interacting with him, the camera isn’t so close to his face, other small lighting and prop optimizations -Fixed fur shader scaling issue that was causing small bear to flicker -Launcher adding debug info to boot.config -MacOS issue with EAC due to graphics jobs switching in boot.config -RWG did not reset usage data for the next generation -RWG was not clearing generation data when done -Zombie mutated feral & radiated hand item still referencing cop puke sounds. |
Sources : Steam | Twitter Officiel
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